About a month ago one of my really good friends asked me to make a smash cake and cupcakes for her daughter's 1st birthday party. Thrilled! My friend has amazing taste so I knew whatever she had planned was going to be amazing. When she sent me the ideas she had, I was over the moon excited! Not only was it PINK but it was something I had never done before and I am always up for a good challenge.

Side Note: I have a son who is ALL boy so any chance I get to do something girly and pink I jump on it and man was I in heaven!!
But seriously how cool is this cake?! It was a lot easier than I anticipated and even though it was extremely time consuming the final product was well worth the effort. Now I know what you're thinking...seriously all that work for a cake that will be smashed to bits within 5 minutes?! Ummm...HECK YES!! Regardless of your age or the reason for your cake, shouldn't it always be 100% fabulous!? I think so :)

Here is the birthday princess with her super fabulous, 100% over the top, 1st birthday smash cake! She's such a doll :) she made sure I got her good side.
Since we were making the inside of the cake over the top I thought we should keep everything else simple. I did a vanilla cake with white buttercream icing for both the cake and cupcakes.

And what big girl doesn't want pink sprinkles on her pink cupcakes?! At the end of the day mommy was happy, the birthday girl was happy, and riding an awesome sugar high, and daddy was happy because his girls were happy (even if he was swimming in a sea of PINK that day). Mark it in the books as a success.
It was amazing watching you create this cake! I am very impressed by your talents Chelsea!!